Singing Guide: Finian's Rainbow

Singing Guide: Finian's Rainbow

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn to Sing Like Finian's Rainbow?

Finian's Rainbow has a rich and expressive voice that has inspired and captivated generations. His unique style blends a range of musical genres, from jazz to musical theater, folk and pop. If you're an aspiring singer and would like to learn how to sing with Finian's Rainbow's range, control and expressiveness, then keep reading! This article will guide you through some practical and effective techniques to help you develop your singing skills like Finian's, as well as highlight some iconic songs to showcase his style.

1. Breathing and Posture

Singers know that good breathing is key to great vocal control, and that posture plays a critical role in breathing correctly. Finian's Rainbow has excellent breath control, which allows him to sustain long and expressive phrases. Focus on your posture by standing up straight and relaxed, shoulders down and neck long, and inhale and exhale deeply, which allows your lungs to fill up with air.

2. Vocal Warm-ups

Before singing, it's essential to warm up your voice with scales and exercises. Finian's Rainbow's voice has excellent range and agility, and you can work on these skills by doing various vocal exercises such as lip rolls, humming, sirens, and slide-downs. One of our excellent warm-up exercises is the Farinelli breathing workout.

3. Articulation and Pronunciation

Finian's Rainbow's distinctive style of singing often involves playful wordplay and stylized enunciation. Practicing articulation drills can help develop good clarity and crispness when singing. Follow the finger-bite exercise to improve your articulation.

4. Breath Support

Finian's Rainbow has some of the most flawless breath support in the industry, and you can hear it in his singing. When you inhale, use your diaphragm to take deep breaths so that your body can get the airflow you need for singing. One of our recommended exercises is "sustain vocal," which helps improve your breath control.

5. Vibrato Effect

Finian's Rainbow has a lovely vibrato effect that adds warmth to his singing. Developing vibrato takes time, but you can achieve this by practicing sustained tones, and adding a slight wavering effect in your voice that adds warmth, depth, and richness to your singing. Follow tutorials by watching videos like "Beggar's Bounce" and "Diaphragm Bounce."

Finian's Rainbow's Representative Songs

  • "Old Devil Moon": This song is a perfect example of Finian's Rainbow's signature style. Listen to his voice, and notice how he starts with a gentle, understated approach and gradually builds up his intensity as the song goes on.
  • "How Are Things in Glocca Morra?": Another defining song of Finian's, this tune features more jazz-inflected melodic runs and a more upbeat tempo. Listen to his use of vibrato and how he accentuates the lyrics.
  • "If This Isn't Love": This song is a great showcase of Finian's Rainbow's vocal control. Listen to how he sustains long notes and how he modulates his voice to express both joyful and wistful emotions.

Singing Carrots resources to improve your vocal skills like Finian's

  • The Singing Carrots website offers a vast selection of great resources, such as a vocal range test, which you can use to determine your voice type.
  • The pitch accuracy test is an excellent exercise for assessing your pitch accuracy.
  • The vocal pitch monitor can be used to monitor your vocal progress and see your sung notes in real-time, which can be helpful in monitoring your pitch accuracy.
  • For pitch training, try the educational singing game, which offers an interactive and engaging way to improve your pitch, range, and vocal agility.
  • Our search songs engine can help you find songs that match your vocal type, range, and difficulty level.
  • Our interactive singing course is perfect for beginners, covering singing theory, practical tips, and useful exercises.

If you want to learn to sing like Finian's Rainbow, understanding and practicing these techniques can help you take a significant step towards reaching your goals. Incorporate practical advice and relevant resources provided by Singing Carrots to enhance your vocal skills and achieve the vocal control and expressiveness of Finian's Rainbow.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.